Advertising Rates

Journal Advertising

TAHPERD Journal – two (2) issues per year – Spring & Fall. Approximate circulation is 3,000. The Fall issue will be in August to correspond with the beginning of the school year, and the Spring issue will be in late March to correspond with the beginning of spring/summer.  TAHPERD Journal is linked prominently on our website until the next issue so it is available to the general public.

You can advertise in one issue, two issues, or four issues. Discounted rates apply only to a multi-issue subscription. Ad artwork is to be provided by the advertiser and sent to the TAHPERD office by the following due dates. Payment is also required by ad due dates.

Spring Issue: 
Ad Due Date: February 15
Print date: March 31

Fall Issue:
Ad Due Date: June 15
Print date: August 15

Ad Submission Requirements:
Emailed ads are preferred. We suggest providing the ad as a TIFF or an Adobe PDF file to prevent any problems with missing fonts and images. Ads need to saved at 300dpi. Please provide crop marks, and not framing to indicate page size. Bleed is available on full page ads and must be included in the artwork (1/8 inch preferred). Do not send Word or PowerPoint files. Please email with any questions or special requirements.

Back Cover

Page Size: 8.5" x 11" | Clickable Ad with provided link | Email to |

TAHPERD design work charged at $100 per hour (minimum $50)

$2600/ ad
run 1 issue
Fall or Spring

Total: $2,600

$2,300/ ad
run 2 issues
Fall & Spring

Total: $4,600

$2,000/ ad
run 4 issues
2 Fall & 2 Spring

Total: $8,000

Inside Cover

Page Size: 8.5" x 11" | Clickable Ad with provided link | Email to |

TAHPERD design work charged at $100 per hour (minimum $50)

$2500/ ad
run 1 issue
Fall or Spring

Total: $2,500

$2,200/ ad
run 2 issues
Fall & Spring

Total: $4,400

$1,900/ ad
run 4 issues
2 Fall & 2 Spring

Total: $7,600

Full Page

Page Size: 8.5" x 11" | Clickable Ad with provided link | Email to |

TAHPERD design work charged at $100 per hour (minimum $50)

$1500/ ad
run 1 issue
Fall or Spring

Total: $1,500

$1,400/ ad
run 2 issues
Fall & Spring

Total: $2,800

$1,300/ ad
run 4 issues
2 Fall & 2 Spring

Total: $5,200

Half Page

Page Size (horizontal): 7.5" x 4.75" | Clickable Ad with provided link | Email to |

TAHPERD design work charged at $100 per hour (minimum $50)

$1000/ ad
run 1 issue
Fall or Spring

Total: $1,000

$900/ ad
run 2 issues
Fall & Spring

Total: $1,800

$800/ ad
run 4 issues
2 Fall & 2 Spring

Total: $3,200

Quarter Page

Page Size (vertical): 3.625" x 4.75" | Clickable Ad with provided link | Email to |

TAHPERD design work charged at $100 per hour (minimum $50)

$500/ ad
run 1 issue
Fall or Spring

Total: $500

$450/ ad
run 2 issues
Fall & Spring

Total: $900

$400/ ad
run 4 issues
2 Fall & 2 Spring

Total: $1,600

Electronic Advertising

TAHPERD sends out a monthly e-newsletter to our current members (approx. 3,000 current members). 

You can advertise in one issue or up to four issues at a time. Discounted rates apply to multiple ad contracts. Ad artwork is to be provided by the advertiser and sent to the TAHPERD office by the 1st of every month. Payment is also required by ad due dates.

Monthly E-Newsletter

100 Words + Image (Max 500px x 500px) | Clickable Ad with provided link | Email to | All ads due by the 1st of the month

TAHPERD design work charged at $100 per hour (minimum $50)

$500/ ad
run 1 issue

Total: $500

$450/ ad
run 2 issues

Total: $900

$400/ ad
run 4 issues

Total: $1,600

1000 Heritage Center Circle
Round Rock, TX 78664
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